Uzbekistan dining event

Uzbekistan dining event

Monday, January

22 – 7 pm

Caravan Restaurant 8015 S. Orange Ave., Orlando

In addition to a menu including the traditional dish of  To’y osh, we’ll learn about Halal foods and the traditions of Uzbekistan and the Muslim faith.

Tickets $60


Turkish tea brewed from a beautiful, four-pot copper tea maker.
Obi non, a round Uzbek bread with wave-like crimps that’s softer than a doughy pretzel and cooked in a clay oven called a tandyr. It’s flecked with black and white sesame seeds

Samsa– baked meat bun akin to a fattened samosa, a fresh-baked pastry filled with small cubes of seasoned beef and onions with a tomato and red pepper sauce on the side
Salad – thinly sliced tomatoes, onions and basil in light vinegar

Borscht – a colorful beet soup with tender beef pieces, fresh vegetables, and a rich, deep-red broth with tangy sour cream as a garnish.

MAIN COURSE (Traditional to UZBEK)
To’y Osh – rice pilaf dish infused with warming spices and blended with carrots, peas, raisins and chunks of lamb and beef served at weddings and celebrations.
Fried Laghman – wok-fried, hand-pulled noodles, stir-fried with a mix of fresh vegetables and beef. The noodles are coated in their special sauce, a blend of soy and aromatic spices.

Russian Honey Cake – multiple layers of cake and sweetness.

*There may be substitutions or additions.