MYgration Films Event 1
Capturing the stories of Central Floridians from around the world in short three- to five-minute documentary films.

MYgration Films Premiere
- Rollins College – Bush Auditorium1000 Holt AvenueWinter Park, FL, 32789United States (map)

On September 23rd at 7:30pm at the Rollins College Bush Auditorium – The MYgration films will premiere as part of the annual Global Peace Film Festival, where attendees can cast their vote for their favorite films.
Tickets are available here!
Filmakers: Matt Wohl (Vermont-USA), Emilee Namphengsone (Asian culture. Specifically Lao culture, or Vietnamese/Thai culture), Jorge Gutierrez (Hispanic/Carib), Bhavana Banala (India), Betty Su (Vietnam), Benjamin Mack-Jackson (Ukraine), Joshua Thomas (USA-LGBTQIA), Tristan Antony Ortiz (Puerto Rico), Mauricio Mejia Chang (Peru), Juan David Tena (Colombia), Corey Marr (USA)
Subjects: Amy Akamine (Japan), Hans Peter Nkansah (Guana/Germany), Anna Byrnes (Ukraine), Era Ghali (Egypt), Gaby West (England/Italy), Gabriella Rodriguez (Mexico/Q/PR), Jasmin & Trib Persaud (Guyana/India), Justine Francisco (Philippines & Japan), Patrick (Etu) Ah-Wang (Samoa), Samir Fkiyi (Morrocco), Zachary Moldof (USA/Skate Culture),