Call to Cultural Performer

Share the Music and dances of your heritage with thousands of people!

WHAT WE’RE LOOKING FOR IN DANCE: Groups or solo artists to perform traditional dance styles related to specific cultures in authentic clothing., such as folkloric dances from North America, Africa, the Caribbean, Middle East, Latin America, Asia, and Europe.

WHAT WE’RE LOOKING FOR IN MUSIC: Bands and solo musicians to perform traditional music related to specific cultures, such as African drums, Chinese pipa, Scottish bagpipes, American blues guitar, Indian sitar, French accordion, Mexican pan flutes, etc.

HOW TO APPLY: Fill out the application  and good luck!


  • September 1: Applications Deadline

  • October 1: Acceptance Notifications

  • November 30 & December 1: FusionFest Annual Festival 2024

CeCe Teneal
